Tips for Staying Safe and Visible on Your Harley-Davidson Motorcycle

May. 22 2024 Announcements By Redline Harley-Davidson

Tips for Staying Safe and Visible on Your Harley-Davidson Motorcycle

One of the biggest concerns on the road for Harley-Davidson owners is motorcycle safety. This safety ranges from navigating blind spots to using hand signals and turn signals, engaging in safe riding practices, and much more. Be a responsible Harley Davidson biker by practising the most important safety tips below to manage road hazards and arrive safely at your destination.

Wear the Right Riding Gear

In case of a collision, the right protective gear for motorcyclists can make all the difference. Wearing the right clothing and helmet protects you in case of an accident and increases your comfort while riding by reducing distractions caused by the weather, road debris, and bugs.

Choose motorcycle gear like helmets with bright colours that add to high visibility. Leather pants and jackets or abrasion-resistant denim with a Kevlar lining are best. Check that the protective gear has padding on the hips, knees, and elbows. Also, wear boots that cover the ankles to protect your feet and ankles in the case of motorcycle accidents.

Check Your Harley Davidson

Before heading out on the open road, do a bike check. Make sure that the turn signals are working. Do a horn check and ensure that the tires are in good condition and the tyre pressure is right for the road conditions. Besides these tips, you want to test if the brake lights are functioning properly. If not, go to your local dealership to fix everything necessary for safe riding.

Upgrade Your Riding Skills

If you're a new hog owner, you may want to join some riding classes to pick up experience and safety tips from the experts. This training will help to increase your awareness of other road users and hazards. It can also help develop your skills to avoid potholes and manage intersections and oncoming traffic.

Expert classes can additionally prepare you for lane position choices and changes, improve your night riding confidence, identify an escape route when needed, and much more. With training and experience, you're more likely to stay safe on the road and avoid mistakes by other motorists.

Stay in Control

Maintaining control means calm and responsible motorcycle riding. Adjust your seating cautiously while riding to avoid losing control. If the hog wiggles too much, use manufacturer tips to quickly regain control - BEFORE hitting the road. Likewise, negotiate corners cautiously for your sake and to protect others. Always use the proper turn signals, especially in poor visibility, to increase your visibility. Motorcycle safety tips include no drinking and riding, so just don't do it!

Local Dealership Help

Should you need any help with boosting your motorcycle safety with practical aid, safety tips, or the proper gear, Redline Harley Davidson is here to help. Pay us a visit or explore our online safety gear to protect yourself with bright colours while on the road. Also, develop your riding skills to help navigate road hazards more successfully because your safety depends on your skills as much as the safety of other road users.